Friday 18 January 2008


After several days, I finally decided to buy a third-part built forum application for

The previous version was built by my own more than 4 years ago (in its very first release), during the summer of 2003. It was a very no-frills forum - and that was the main reason I kept it running till now. No emoticons, no tags, no html allowed (but I added the PM feature 1 year later). Simple and direct. And a little bit buggy (but proudly loaded with almost 100.000 posts and with more than 2.000 registered users).

But now, some more features are needed. A good membership management, wider PM features, some "social networking" stuff, and with fewer bugs.

And so... here it is: is the final choice.

Sunday 6 January 2008

A good thriller

Last night, 3:00 am: I was reading the last page of Susan Hill's "Omicidi sulla collina", by Kowalski Edizioni. Not the usual thriller, even if it's still (I'm thinking about Key Scarpetta and sisters) about serial killers, nice and corageous and strong and charming women and all the good-against-evil stuff. But there are a bunch of charachters, and a lot of stories that involve them in different manners, and after all is that kind of book: the one you can't wait to read the next page.

More informations here (italian).

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Time consuming activities

Still spending a lot of time defining a new style for kronic. Even if I care about design and I'm quite interested in everything about it, I strongly prefer the code related side of the job.

Anyway, here are some good designed site that I found inspiring:

Good proposals no. 1

Never stop doing good proposals. Expecially at the very beginning of a brand new *leap* year.

This is the first one: I have to go to sleep earlier.

So, good night.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

37 signals

A few days ago I dowloaded this e-book from As said on their site, "Getting Real [the e-book] is the business, design, programming, and marketing philosophies of 37signals — a developer of web-based software used by over 1 million people and businesses in 70 countries."

I've just read a few pages, but it sounds interesting. It's all about the "no-frills" philosophy: no frills while designing, planning, building your applications.

In the next days I'm going to create an account for Basecamp, their main web-app about (web) project management. It seems to deserve more than a look.